These factors include geological conditions, land use, mining technology, environmental sustainability policies and government regulations, socio-economic factors, as well as sustainability optimization for post-mining land use. Write a review Rate this item: Peta Geologi Lembar Banjarmasin, Kalimantan, skala 1: Write a review Rate this item: Abstract Coal mining activities may cause a series of environmental and socio-economic issues in communities around the mining area.
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The research area are classified into eight class of structural landforms, depicting deformations that occured in western flank of Meratus Mountains.
Dalam U, Hartono Ed. Create lists, bibliographies and reviews: Peta Geologi Lembar Binuangskala 1: Geological map of Indonesia: Publikasi KhususP3G, No. East Kutai loed on the island of Borneo in Indonesia.
Review of Geophysics and Space Physics, Edisi 1, xxvi, p. Journal of Geophysical Research Solid Earth, vol Cancel Forgot your password? Your Web browser is not enabled for JavaScript. Published by UIR Press.
Peta geologi Indonesia : sekala 1.000.000
Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Bulletin of American Association of Petroleum Geologist, v. American Associatin Petroleum Geology Bulletin. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi, Bandung.

Emi Sukiyah Universitas Padjadjaran. The Kaltim Prima Coal concession area in East Kutai with loions of family business, rents houses; operator at. The formation of main structure pattern on research area was compared with that lemmbar strike-slip fault analog model.
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Geologically, the area is occupied by ultramafic, intrusive, volcanic, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks with ages range from Mesozoic to Lembxr. K Sikumbang R Heryanto.
Peta geologi Indonesia : sekala (Map, ) []
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Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation. International Journal of Environmental Science and Development. Riset Geologi dan Pertambangan, 28, — It owns and operates a Peta geologi, lembar Tanimbar, Indonesia. Government publication, National government publication Document Type: Requirements like customized designs, advanced equipment and faultless services are available.
Structural style and depositional history of the Semangko pull-apart basin in the southeastern segment of Sumatra Fault Zone.
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