Well that IP is sent to the other computer as the IP to connect to. To find out what files a bot is carrying and what their pack numbers are, you have to obtain their packlists. The only thing that got changed was that server option is checked instead of local. Jul 31, Posts: For a Listing type:
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Downloading Files from IRC/XDCC Bot Guide
Alot of the people that accually get these bots dont accually know much about computer security and are just using some kit that there miec gave them to get xdcc bots for there channel.
The user can ask a bot what files it has by private messaging "xdcc list" to the bot.
Occasionally, older files may be removed from a bot to make room for newer ones to be added and the bot's packlist is updated. You'll find the relevant options there.
Generally though the "server" setting is best. In file distribution channels where typing! Jan 21, Posts: Thanks for the info guys.
SunXDCC | The hottest XDCC search engine
The packlist itself should have all the information necessary for downloading from the XDCC bot contained in the first few lines. But in the channel window, I get this: Probably you didn't configure mIRC correctly. Unlike peer-to-peer transfers, XDCC servers are often hosted on connections with very high upstream bandwidth, sometimes in excess of Mbit.
Jul 31, Posts: It also has a search option that will allow you to search for packets that aren't necessarily on the networks and channels you're currently on, although this feature seems broken due to lack of updates. Policies and guidelines Contact us. I have also tried to do a xdcc transfer using the IRC client called "Virc".
Unfortunately, there isn't a way to manually access an XDCC bots to find out your position in the queue, however most XDCC bots will PM you your position after a certain amount of time automatically, depending on the bot's set-up.
The bot will either start sending the user the packet or the bot will place the user in a queue, and force the user to wait their turn.
Mirc won't let me download from xdcc.
Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Midc a Listing visit: Tue Jan 07, 3: XDCC bots work using PMs private messages sent to the bot with a request for a particular pack number.
That's a common problem when firewalled.
Limitations in the original DCC protocol prevented the transfers of very large files, or groups of files. Views Read Edit View history. Oct 28, Posts: Mar 18, Posts: Well that IP is sent to xdcv other computer as the IP to connect to. Sat Jan 04, 9: The Book of IRC: Its a SMC barricade. For example, 52Food has a time interval of 10 minutes, so after waiting in queue for 10 minutes the bot sends me a private message letting me know what my current position is: Mon Jan 06, 4: Bots comparison Eggdrop Infobot Robot Lets get right to the point.
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